Stanley Walker

Walker, Stanley C.
Born to eternal life March 26, 2017 at the age of 60 years. Combined services Tuesday, April 4, 2017. Instate 12-1 PM and Funeral 1 PM at Philadelphia Baptist Church located 2028 W. Cherry Street. Interment, Graceland Cemetery. All services entrusted to:
Paradise Memorial Funeral Home
7625 W. Appleton Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53222
Phone: 414-461-8000
The Kirk and Thomas family sends our deepest, and most heartfelt condolences to the Walker family. Stan, you will truly be missed! Rest in Eternal peace!
Im sorry I couldn’t be there due to difficult circumstances.. Uncle Stanley I love you with every part of me…Please bring peace to our family…Tell granny I said hi and i miss her soooo much.. Until I see u again
Sending love to my Brother in law Stan… Me and the girls are really gone to miss you.. You where a cool and kind person… Sweet to me and my girls.. That’s so much for blessing me with your daughter, my niece… We will keep your memory alive… Rest on my praying encouraging Bro… Thanks for being apart of my life
I love you Uncle Stan and I thank God for the heads that he allowed your presence to bless our lives. You will forever be in our heart’s.
Your Niece
A piece of my heart my is gone , completely lost for words. Bro I’m going to miss you so much. I know God will mend our broken hearts and wipe away our sorrow for weepi ng endures for a night but joy comes in the morning. I love you and always will. Alabama family loved you as well!
Miss you dearly brother love you always
You touched our lives here on the west coast. Rest in paradise brother
You’re gone physically but memories of you will keep you alive. Uncle Stan keep them entertained in heaven with your funny sense of humor lol. And teach them how to one two step. Rest in eternal peace uncle Stan
we are praying that God will strengthen you in this time of grief.
R.I.P. to a man who will truly be missed and could never be replaced uncle Stanley C. Walker aka unk stan the man. I will never forget the time you were here and all the talks we had. You was full of knowledge, wisdom, jokes, but most of all Love for your family. You have taught me soo much and always told me of how proud i made you and i want u to know that your legacy will forever live on and i will continue to make you proud as you look down on me from heaven. 1 Luv unk ALWAYS #WALKERBOYZ
RIP. Uncle Stanley C. Walker. You will truly be missed and can never be replaced. I still remember all the sit downs at round table. You were full knowledge, wisdom,encouragement, jokes, but most importantly full of love for the family and was always an open-ear. You always was uplifting and would never let me giv up. You always stressed of how proud u were of me and i want u to know unc your legacy will live on forever. And i will continue to make u proud as u smile down on me from heaven. #1 luv unk always. #stan da Man. #WALKERBOYZ
Hey Uncle Stan. Just wanna say that I love you and miss you so much. I never called you back like I said I would. I always listen to your voice mail. I’ll miss your smile, your loud booming voice, and your wonderful laugh. Rest well, I’ll love you always.
Your niece,
Daddy!!! PunkinHead loves you. I miss you. Watch over us
Rip to a brother who I referred to as uncle Stan you will be missed
My prayers are with the entire Walker Family. Rest In Paradise Stanley!
You always brought life to any conversation or situation. I love you Unc and know that you are already missed.
Really going to miss your jokes every time you were in the room it was always nothing but laughter and I’m really going to miss you. RIP
You’re free now. Rest easy. Nothing but funny memories.
I miss you so much already dadI love you. Rest in Peace
You protected me here on earth and now you are my guardian angel…
Stan, you will ALWAYS be “The Man” in my heart. Rest in peace dad in-law…
You made sure that I knew that you loved me and that nothing would ever change that. I will miss screaming “Chucky!!!!!” and you responding because that was just “our” special way…… for all the laughs and encouragement, I thank you. Seeing you stroll in church clean as a whistle, hearing you sing, watching you step, hearing your laugh, receiving your hugs….all wonderful memories that will help me get though the tears. Love you bro, forever baby girl!
“Life’s Becoming End”
Life’s a precious gift we’ve all been given to live on this Earth temporarily, but for many momentarily;
We must embrace the moment of one’s life’s departure from Earth to their final destination of eternity.
When that moment comes, we must not be discouraged, but we must stand therefore, moving forward in strength, having peace of mind with a sense of serenity;
Let us hold dear to our hearts the extraordinary memories of our loved ones whose time on Earth is done;
And whose life is a display of captured images and cherished memories that will abide within us forevermore ’til our time of departure from this Earth has come.
RIP my dearly beloved daddy. You may be gone, but you’ll never be forgotten;
This is a poem of the inevitable….
“Life’s Becoming End.”
I can just hear you singing, “When You Hear of my Homegoing, Don’t Worry ‘Bout Me.”
No worries, daddy… no worries!
I celebrate your life and thank you for all the laughter and joyous memories!!
When I got the news that you were in the hospital, my heart fell! Dad, I miss and love you, and I pray that you are at peace and with God. I’m going to miss listening to the oldies but goodies with you, I’m going to miss how you were the life of the party and you used to step it up!! I miss your jokes and how you used to say everything was going to be alright whenever I was feeling at my lowest. Heaven got another angel! I just wish we could’ve been blessed with your presence just a little longer! I wish I could get just one more hug and to here you say you’re proud of me. You would go to war for your girls, and there is not one time did I hear you refer to me as your stepdaughter, you would always say that I was your daughter. I love you Dad! R.I.H pops!!
OMG grandad!! This life will never be the same without your physical presence! Your smile, laugh, hugs and sarcasm will truly be missed,But I know you will forever walk with us in our hearts! You’ve gained your wings Tyler and I love you old man Until we meet again
We Loved Him But GOD Loved Him Best!!
Blessings and Peace in Eternal Life!!
Marvin,Kamesha,Shariel,Dominique,Arianna,Tiffany,Marcelus Thomas
I miss and love you so much. Wishing I could have just one more conversation with you.. one more I love you… rest on big bro..
The Martin Family sends our heartfelt condolences… Stan was the life of anybody party weather at home or church or wherever.. You will be truly missed Stanley rest easy.
I will never forget the time you came to visit me in Fort Hood some 18 years ago. You made a lasting impression on a lot of people including my other half. He never stopped asking about you. I’d smile and say “that’s my uncle Stan!” Sooo many good times! This is hard but we will get through it knowing that God makes no mistakes. Gone but never forgotten! Love you Uncle Stan! ~Poohbear~
Never thought this day would come. It’s extremely hard traveling knowing that once we get here, you won’t be over. You always came to see us , tell us the latest jokes and talk about old times. May you rest in peace and your smile,laugh and love for the family live on through us.
Love you Uncle Stan –
Babygirl and Family
Rest easy Stan..