John Blue, Sr.

john  blue, sr.

September 19, 1931 ~ July 8, 2023

Born to eternal life on July 8, 2023, at the age of 92 years. Combined Services, Wednesday, July 19, 2023; Visitation: 11 AM-12 PM and Funeral 12 PM at Sharon Seventh Day located 2389 N. Teutonia Avenue. Interment: Glen Oaks Cemetery All Services Trusted to: Paradise Memorial Funeral and Cremation Services 7625 W. Appleton Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53222

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  1. CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILY OF COUSIN JOHN HENRY BLUE SR. We extend our sympathy and prayers to our family left to witness the home-going of our loved John Blue. He share and cared along this life and will be missed by those in the path for so many years. Be of good courage as you accept the call to take rest from this life’s toils.
    Prayerfully submitted,
    Charles and Tommie Smith and family in Topeka, KS
    1005 S.E. 43rd Terrace

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